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• SATURDAY - FEB. 15th
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Closing LIVE ONLINE: SATURDAY • February 15th • Starting at 9:00 AM Pacific Time
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Until the LIVE BIDDING begins for that Specific Lot on SATURDAY • February 15th
Lot Number: 222
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Estimate Range: $800 - $1,000
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This Lot is CLOSED for Absentee Bidding.
c. 1911 Political Cartoon of “TARIFF” on Sheeps Wool In Front of the United States Capitol Pen & Ink Orig. Artwork

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Hand-drawn Original Artwork by Clifford Berryman (unsigned), Political Cartoon of "TARIFF" in Front of the United States Capitol Building, artwork used in the publication "Mother Goose in Gridiron Rhyme", printed in December of 1911 for the Gridiron Club, a social club for Washington Journalists who host an annual dinner for the President, Very Fine.

Original Political Cartoon Artwork accomplished in bold black pen, ink, and pencil on Bristol board, measuring 7.5" x 10", unsigned but drawn by Clifford K. Berryman (1869-1949), the Pulitzer Prize Winning Cartoonist with the Washington Post (1891-1907) and the Washington Star (1907 to 1949). Printer's pencil notations seen in the outer margins. Among Berryman's most important cartoons were his "Remember the Maine" during the Spanish American War, and his 1903 "Drawing the Line in Mississippi", which depicted President Theodore Roosevelt showing compassion for a Bear Cub, and which in turn inspired the creation of a new popular toy, the "TEDDY BEAR".

This important Political Theme Cartoon depicts "TARIFF", a fat-cat gentleman, leading a "Wool Schedule" lamb on a leash walking in front of the U.S. Capitol Building. A scare original cartoon by Berryman, which was used in the publication "Mother Goose In Gridiron Rhyme", printed in Dec. 1911 for the Gridiron Club, a social club for Washington journalists (Berryman was a member), who host an annual dinner for the President. It appears the political theme with use of the “TARIFF” remains in vogue to this day!
Lot Number: 222
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Estimate Range: $800 - $1,000
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
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