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Closing LIVE ONLINE: SATURDAY • June 8th • Starting at 9:00 AM Pacific Time
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Until the LIVE BIDDING begins for that Specific Lot on SATURDAY • June 8th
Lot Number: 129
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Estimate Range: $800 - $1,200
Current Bidding Status
This Lot is CLOSED for Absentee Bidding.
1813 “You will cause to be seized and libelled any vessel or merchandise, within your district of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” Printed Circular

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August 18, 1813-Dated War of 1812 Period, Important Printed U.S. Treasury Department “Circular” to New Haven District titled: “AN ACT to prohibit the use of licenses or passes granted by the authority of the government of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.” Signed, “W(illiam) Jones” Acting Secretary of the Treasury, and in printed text Henry Clay, Speaker and Elbridge Gerry, VP of the Senate; August 2, 1813 - APPROVED, JAMES MADISON, Choice Very Fine.

Act signed in the printed text by President James Madison on August 2nd, 1813. This original official signed circular was issued on August 18, 1813. Historic War of 1812 anti-British Acts passed and approved by Congress has two printed pages, back to back, measuring about 7.5” x 14” being fully complete in its text. It is meant to identify all vessels from Great Britain and Ireland as enemy, and restrict all their goods and merchandise from import or sale in the United States. It outlines acts of naval engagement, privateering, use of documents, and doing virtually any trade with the British enemy by visiting any of their ports. This extensive Act contains three separate sections of rules and regulations for American citizens or ships sailing on the high seas.
Lot Number: 129
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Estimate Range: $800 - $1,200
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
1520 Commerce St., # 312 • Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: 858 • 759 • 3290