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• SATURDAY - FEB. 15th
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Estimate Range: $500 - $600
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Estimate Range
$500 - $600
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Revolutionary War 6% Masschusetts Treasury “Bearer Bond” Received of Samuel Chaffin Signed by H. Gardner

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March 5, 1782-Dated Revolutionary War Bond, State of Massachusetts Bay, with “Rattlesnake Eating Its Tail Surrounding a Pine Tree” Vignette Bond, Engraved by Nathaniel Hurd, Boston, Six per Cent Interest Bearing Annually, Framed, Very Fine.

1782 Revolutionary War Massachusetts Treasury Bearer Bond Received of Samuel Chaffin, Signed by H(enry) Gardner, Treasurer, Bond No. 1169,for the sum of 10 pounds to be paid by he 5th day of March 1782. Framed to about 8” x 11'' has a circular vignette of a Rattlesnake surrounding a Pine Tree at left top, and the bottom border design has the words "Death to Counterfeit this". Ex: The OLD PRINT SHOP, likely purchased by Ambassador Middendorf in the 1960s.
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Estimate Range: $500 - $600
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
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