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Lot Image Description
April 21st, 1865-Dated Letter - One Week After President Lincoln’s Assassination - to Union General Nathaniel C. McLean stating "Your resignation has been accepted by the President of the United States, to take effect the 20th day of April, 1865." Being the Official Acknowledgment Notice Regarding his Resignation (Accepted by President Lincoln)

NATHANIEL C. McLEAN, (1815-1905), Union Army Brigadier General; colonel of the 75th Ohio Infantry in Sept., 1861, and led that regiment in Western Virginia; he commanded a brigade at the Battle of Cross Keys on June 8, 1862; his Brigade's heroic defense of Chinn's Ridge at the Second Battle of Bull Run saved the Union Army of Virginia from disaster, and he was promoted to Brigadier General on Nov. 29, 1862; McLean commanded a Brigade in the XI Corps, Army of the Potomac, at the Battle of Chancellorsville; Commanded Brigades in the Atlanta & Carolina Campaigns under General Sherman.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200

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Union General Charles P. Stone Manuscript Signed Field Orders, the Reported First Union Army Civil War Volunteer Who Then Oversaw Security for President-elect Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration, Imprisoned For the Defeat at Ball's Bluff; Post-War In Charge of the Construction of the Base of the Statue of Liberty

UNION GENERAL CHARLES POMEROY STONE (1824-1887). 1845 West Point Graduate, served with distinction in the Mexican War; Resigned his Commission in the Army in 1856; Reportedly the First Volunteer to enter the Union Army At the Outbreak of Confederate States Secession and Civil War, Stone was in Washington DC, and after a dinner with his former commander Winfield Scott, Stone was requested to be Inspector General of the District of Columbia Militia at the rank of colonel as of January 1, 1861, and was thus reputed to be the First Volunteer Officer Mustered into the Union Army before the Civil War. In this role, he secured the Capital for the arrival of President-elect Abraham Lincoln, and was personally responsible for security at Lincoln's Presidential Inaugural. During the Civil War he first served as Col. Commanding the 14th U.S. Infantry, and was promoted to Brigadier General of Volunteers shortly after. Noted for his involvement at the Battle of Ball's Bluff in October 1861. Held responsible for the Union defeat, Stone was arrested and imprisoned for almost six months, mostly for political reasons. Stone never received a trial, and after his release he would not hold a significant command during the war again. Postwar, he served 13 years as Chief of Staff of the Army of the Khedive of Egypt, and later was the Chief Engineer for Constructing the Base of the Statue of Liberty.

Estimate: $600 - $800

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