December 9, 1817-Dated, Complete 4-page issue of the "Connecticut Courant" Newspaper, Hartford, Ct., with a page 2, Full printing of President James Monroe's First Annual Message to Congress (State of the Union Address), Choice Very Fine.
December 9, 1817 issue of the "Connecticut Courant", Hartford, Ct., 4 pgs., about 14.5" x 21", with a page 2, Full Text Printing of President James Monroe's First Annual Message to Congress (State of the Union Address) in which he discusses relations with Britain and Spain, Territorial disputes in Florida and Texas, including referring to the capture of Amelia Island, Fla. by mercenaries led the Gregor McGregor; he also outlines the state of the Treasury and the military in some detail, discusses treaties with Indians, and more. Signed in type by James Madison and “Mis-dated” by a decade by printer error as “Dec. 2, 1827” instead of 1817!
A pleasing historic content newspaper, including an Advertisement by “WILLIAM H. IMLAY & CO”, Imlay who is noted for his signing "United States Loan-Office" Bonds c. 1793, as Commissioner for the State of Connecticut. (We sold one of these bonds, made out to Elisha Colt, in our EAHA June 2019 Auction selling for over $1,500.) |