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• SATURDAY - FEB. 15th
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This Auction is Now OPEN for Bidding
Closing LIVE ONLINE: SATURDAY • February 15th • Starting at 9:00 AM Pacific Time
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Until the LIVE BIDDING begins for that Specific Lot on SATURDAY • February 15th
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Estimate Range: $300 - $400
Current Bidding Status
This Lot is CLOSED for Absentee Bidding.
18th Century Powder Horn & Horn Cup/Whetstone Holder

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c. Late 18th century, Lot with Two Items: Powder Horn that measures about 8.25" in length, together with a period Horn Cup / Whetstone Holder measuring 8.75” in length, both Very Fine.

1. The Horn Cup has a hand-forged Iron hook at its top lip which is attached to a belt and is in pleasing original condition with patina to the hook with overall dimensions of 8.75" high (with hook) x 2.75" wide at the open lip edge. Solid and whole with slight wear from use being original with no repair.

2. The Powder Horn measures about 8.25” long x 2” wide having a hand-carved spout with a nice natural patina. Original nails with some minor chipping of the horn at the lip edge and has a replacement later screw holding a replacement leather strap, yet possibly and original wood carved stopper in the spout. (2 items)
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Estimate Range: $300 - $400
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
1520 Commerce St., # 312 • Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: 858 • 759 • 3290
Email: Auctions@EarlyAmerican.com