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This Auction is Now OPEN for Bidding
Closing LIVE ONLINE: SATURDAY • June 8th • Starting at 9:00 AM Pacific Time
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Until the LIVE BIDDING begins for that Specific Lot on SATURDAY • June 8th
Lot Number: 284
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Estimate Range: $400 - $600
Current Bidding Status
This Lot is CLOSED for Absentee Bidding.
Chief “Co-U-Wa or Turtle Dove” Wearing His Silver Indian Peace Medal with “Copyright, Pioneer Roll Paper Co.”

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1901-Dated. Photograph Portrait of Chief “Co-U-Wa or Turtle Dove” (identified in the Photo image itself) Wearing his Silver Indian Peace Medal. Choice Extremely Fine.

This original Photograph measures 5.5” x 4” is in black and white, still on its original 8.75” x 6.75” gray-black mount. Full-fame Portrait Photo of the Chief who appears to be of mature years, wearing a wide brimmed hat with a single large five pointed Star, western “modern” style buttoned jacket and proudly wearing his round Silver Indian Peace Medal with loop attached at top as a prominent, noble decoration. This medal does lack enough significant detail to exactly attribute to the specific President. Across from his written name is also a notation within the photo itself, “Copyright, Pioneer Roll Paper Co.” at the bottom right. A rare turn-of-the-century period image.
Lot Number: 284
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Estimate Range: $400 - $600
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
1520 Commerce St., # 312 • Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: 858 • 759 • 3290