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• SATURDAY - FEB. 15th
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Estimate Range: $600 - $800
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Estimate Range
$600 - $800
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1777 Revolutionary War Dated Handsome George Washington EQer Engraving in Uniform as General in Chief of the American Army

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1777 Revolutionary War Dated 18th Century Copper-Plate Engraving depicting George Washington in Uniform and Holding a Sword with French Caption at Bottom titled: "George Washington EQ.er, General en Chef de l'Armee Anglo-Ameriquaine, nomme Dictateur par les Congres en Fevrier 1777" (George Washington Esqr. General in Chief of the Anglo-American Army Affirmed by Congress in February 1777), Choice Extremely Fine.

This scarce 18th Century Copper Plate engraving of George Washington measures 7" x 5", and has full Half-inch wide margins on all four sides, very clean and well printed on laid period paper, tipped to a heavier cardstock surround, measuring fully 10.5" x 7" and ready to frame for display. An impressive image of General Washington depicted wearing his fancy dress uniform shown holding his sword. Scarce.
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Estimate Range: $600 - $800
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
1520 Commerce St., # 312 • Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: 858 • 759 • 3290
Email: Auctions@EarlyAmerican.com