1780 Revolutionary War Period Printed Booklet, “Titles of the Laws [of New Hampshire] With Their Dates,” includes all of the New Hampshire Laws passed from 1776 to 1780 including the “Declaration of Independency” (as titled) along with the printed facsimile signatures of John Hancock and the other Declaration of Independence “Signers”, Good.
This scarce well worn printed book contains about 182 pages, measures 13” x 8.5” with unbound, untrimmed pages, badly torn partial covers, being incomplete, with some pages with paper loss, scattered heavy waterstaining and toning on the outer pages yet internally quite clean and sound. Content includes all of the New Hampshire laws passed from 1776 to 1780.
The most important parts of this book are located on pages 31 through 35, where is printed the text of the “Declaration of Independency” (as titled) along with the printed facsimile signatures of John Hancock and the other “Signers”. An unusual “Declaration” being styled in this printed format manner, which only adds to the historic curiosity and desirability of this period printing. Reference: Evans 16877 |