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• SATURDAY - Dec. 14th
• Middendorf Article
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Lot Number: 158
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Estimate Range: $400 - $600
Current Bidding Status
This Lot is CLOSED for Absentee Bidding.
1865 Gideon Welles Union Naval General Order Awarding Two Medals of Honor For Additional Acts of Gallantry

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June 29, 1865-Dated Civil War Period, Secretary of the Navy, Gideon Welles Orders Navy Department General Order No. 62, Awarding Bars to be Attached to Medals of Honor Previously Awarded to Two Sailors For Subsequent Acts of Gallantry, measuring 5.5" x 8.5", 1 page, Choice Crisp Extremely Fine or better.

Secretary of the Navy, Gideon Welles Orders Signed in the printed text, reading: "The following named persons having had Medals of Honor awarded to them for distinguished services in battle, and having again performed acts which, if they had not received that distinction, would have entitled them to it, are hereby authorized, agreeable to Article XIX, Navy Regulations, to wear a Bar attached to the Ribbon by which the Medal is suspended, viz:

John Cooper, Quartermaster of Acting Rear Admiral Thatcher's Staff. During the terrific fire at Mobile on the 26th of April, 1865, at the risk of being blown to pieces by exploding shells, he advanced through the burning locality, rescued a wounded man from certain death, and bore him on his back to a place of safety.

Patrick Mullen, Boatswain's Mate of the U.S.S. Don. While the boats of this vessel were engaged, May 1, 1865, in picking up the crew of picket launch No. 6, which had swamped, an officer was seen in the water who was no longer able to keep up, and was at the time below the surface. Patrick Mullen jumped overboard and brought the officer safely to the boat, thereby rescuing him from drowning...."

“The first named was awarded a medal for gallantry on the Brooklyn in Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864; the other for gallantry on an expedition up Mattox Creek, Va., March 17, 1865...”

Provenance: Collection of Ambassador J. William Middendorf II
Lot Number: 158
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Estimate Range: $400 - $600
Early American History Auctions, Inc.
1520 Commerce St., # 312 • Winchester, VA 22601
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