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1758 French and Indian War Era Engraved Print "The N.E. Side of The Fort On the Island of Aix,"
1758-Dated French-Indian War Period Historic Engraved Print titled: "The N.E. Side of The Fort On the Island of d'Aix," by B. Cole, sculp, Choice Very Fine.
This Engraved Print on laid period paper measures 7.5" x 11.25", by "B. Cole, sculp(tor)," likely British and an illustration from a book showing a Period, French and Indian War Era fort, flying its two flags. In 1757 a British fleet attacked the Ile d'Aix. The firepower of cannon had increased since the 17th century and the fort was heavily damaged after an hour's bombardment. The British landed on the island, plundered and burned the village and slighted the fortifications. This incident demonstrated the need for change in fortification methods to resist more powerful artillery.
By 1703 the fort was mostly complete and work on the fortifications was terminated. Over the years further work was carried out to strengthen or repair the fort when the region was threatened with attack (eg: during the War of the Spanish Succession'and the Seven Years War).

In 1757 a British fleet attacked the Ile d'Aix. The firepower of cannon had increased since the 17th century and the fort was heavily damaged after an hour's bombardment.

The British landed on the island, plundered and burned the village and slighted the fortifications. This incident demonstrated the need for change in fortification methods to resist more powerful artillery.

The inner entrance to the Fort de la Rade.

The fort was rebuilt to a slightly different plan after the raid. During the second half of the 18th century Montalembert started questioning bastioned'fortification and proposes a new form of fortification on which he writes several books.

He proposed circular forts with several layers of firepower, similar to those of contemporary battleships, with guns placed in casemated'shelters. The fort that survives today is based on the designs of Vauban and dates from 18th century restorations and work carried out in the 19th century. The tower and the two demi-bastions'he designed have totally disappeared. Its sea front is a wide semi-circular battery.
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Item #59371Price: $250.00Add to Cart
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